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  1. Torque addict

    Turbo Kits currently available?

    Yeah, that's me. Are you the one who recently asked me questions on YouTube about how I fixed it? @Kevin frazier is correct, I haven't been on this forum in quite awhile but I was just logging in here while doublechecking the URL so I could give it to you in the YouTube comments. I wanted to...
  2. Torque addict

    Thanks for the replies guys. Unless I hear back by the end of this weekend it looks like I'll just have to pay a bit more and buy elsewhere. I'm sure he's a nice guy but that's no way to run a business. It's just not that tough to respond to an email within a few days no matter what is going on...
  3. Torque addict

    Supercharged bike blowing oil cap off

    Just to be clear, I should add that after replacing the piston (all 3 actually) I've never lost another dipstick again.
  4. Torque addict

    Yes, I am. I hope he's OK too. I thought it was real strange not to get a reply.
  5. Torque addict

    Supercharged bike blowing oil cap off

    That's my video and my Rocket. Broken piston lands was the culprit. Your crankcase is most likely getting over pressurized by excessive blow by in one or more cylinders. Another vote for compression test here.
  6. Torque addict

    Anyone order from this site lately or know if he's still in business? I inquired about the EBC-HH brake pads a week ago now and no response. Just tried again. I can't take my R3 out of hibernation until I have new brake pads. Rears are 100% shot. I thought the word around here was that these...
  7. Torque addict

    Swing arm blanking plate - what is under it ?

    Well, I don't have a pic but I can tell you I've drilled through mine and ran a bolt through the middle to mount an air horn to it. It was free space where I drilled the hole. I can't imagine there's anything else in there other than free space.
  8. Torque addict

    TTS Supercharger vs. Carpenter Head Rework?

    It feels like this...
  9. Torque addict

    Low miles: clutch gone bad

    Picture of the clutch basket is nice but a picture of you doing this would be even better!
  10. Torque addict

    Thoughts on trailering

    Thanks. The shifter pedal was on the bike when I bought it. BTW, for those wanting to rent the U-HAUL motorcycle trailer, it does fit a Rocket. For some reason on their website they list this trailer as only 7' 8" long. Not true and there's at least a foot to spare behind the bike. Only $14.95/day.
  11. Torque addict

    I know I'm a sign nut.

    I like this one I spotted recently on the Idaho Montana border over Thompson Pass. I actually turned around to come back and take a picture of it. The arrows showing that you must? should? will? lean are classic. The sign should just read... Excellent Motorcycle Road Next 21 Miles
  12. Torque addict

    Thoughts on trailering

    There's no reason to look down on someone who chooses to trailer their bike somewhere. That's no different than Harley riders who think a Harley is the only worthy motorcycle on the planet, which is quite lame. There are multiple logical reasons someone might trailer a bike, many that have...
  13. Torque addict

    Upgrading your clutch springs?? What NOT to buy... MTC

    Thanks! Yep, that was real fun guys. Great ride and nice meeting everyone. Other than the idle, which I still haven't had time to fix, the bike is running great. Wanted to post this pic after the ride but never got around to it. This top speed was recorded when pulling away from Steve @1olbull...
  14. Torque addict

    HEAD COUNT for RAA WEST 2018

    Oh noooooooo! Major bummer! Hope that JB Weld holds! Looking forward to seeing you guys on Thursday for the dynos.
  15. Torque addict

    HEAD COUNT for RAA WEST 2018

    OK then. I will cancel my room and take one you've reserved. I'll speak to the wife about Friday night. Probably not an option as she has hurt her shoulder and can't do much of anything so the shorter I'm gone the better. I've been making dinner now for the last two weeks and doing just about...
  16. Torque addict

    HEAD COUNT for RAA WEST 2018

    Absolutely. Looking forward to it although it's still only for the peninsula ride. The rest sounds like a blast but isn't going to work for me this year. My plan is to leave work early on the 19th and head to Nels' shop to meet everyone. I will then rejoin you guys again the morning of the 20th...
  17. Torque addict

    HEAD COUNT for RAA WEST 2018

    ???? Something happen to Mufasa? Was hoping to meet both you and your insane machine on this ride. Looking forward to meeting everyone else too!
  18. Torque addict

    Rocket Monster mods finally done

    Sorry, don't know why I didn't see your question earlier. If you're talking about the chrome piece that goes between the stock header covers and the exhaust pipe then it is the stock piece that goes there from a 2008 and up Touring Rocket and is Triumph part# T2209105. That's what I was told by...
  19. Torque addict

    Rocket Monster mods finally done

    Thanks! These right here:
  20. Torque addict

    Clutch Springs

    If you want the strongest springs available for an R3 just call Carpenter and get a set of their springs. Stronger than Barnett. Why risk any clutch slip?