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  1. Scuba Craig

    Merry Christmas from Oz

    Got a call from the bike shop on Tuesday. He's already at $10k and hasn't finished quoting all the parts. It's very very close to write-off. Bike shop has a call in to the insurance company to see what the price ceiling is for repairs.
  2. Scuba Craig

    Merry Christmas from Oz

    Now that it's Christmas Day in Oz I'd like to wish all Captains and their families a great Christmas and and safe and relaxing holiday period. Being bikeless myself there won't be much riding to be done. I will therefore enjoy Christmas Oz style. I already have my favourite beach chair picked out.
  3. Scuba Craig

    Got rear-ended for Christmas

    When I rang around for insurance on the Rocket Shannon's were twice the price of QBE. Now that I've passed the magic five-oh mark I might revisit to see if the status quo has changed.
  4. Scuba Craig

    Got rear-ended for Christmas

    A quick update. The insurance assessor rang to introduce himself. He said the bike is borderline right-off. He is waiting for the bike shop to submit a parts list before making final decision. I'm going to visit the bike shop on Monday to see what is/isn't on the list. Panniers aren't...
  5. Scuba Craig

    Got rear-ended for Christmas

    2 days down the track and my left eye is still in power saving mode. The 2 docs I've seen don't think it is related to the crash; and nor do I really. The crash was very low impact. No scratches on the helmet. No bark off the elbows/knees (I was in my summer protective gear). The eye thing is...
  6. Scuba Craig

    Got rear-ended for Christmas

    @TOMCAT I'm with QBE too. Might have some common stories to tell soon :( I'm not at fault so hopefully QBE will just pass costs through rather than d1cking me around. Time will tell.
  7. Scuba Craig

    Got rear-ended for Christmas

    All saved ... on my PC and yours.
  8. Scuba Craig

    Got rear-ended for Christmas

    Thanks. Will keep that in mind.
  9. Scuba Craig

    Got rear-ended for Christmas

    Thanks everyone. My son went to the local doctor yesterday. He has bruising on the lower back. When the bike was hit he was launched forward by the pillion back rest. All looks ok. As for me, I have woken up this morning with no vision out my left eye. I don't think it's connected to the...
  10. Scuba Craig

    Got rear-ended for Christmas

    I know plenty of people who want to use it as an upgrade for their own car. When you own a 2.3 litre bike it's amazing how many people with sub-2litre cars come out of the woodwork.
  11. Scuba Craig

    Got rear-ended for Christmas

    Yeh, that's my feeling too. Having Christmas and New Year in the middle doesn't help that either. I "recently" ordered a replacement tank prop. None in Australia. 6 weeks estimate to arrive from Triumph. It finally arrived 12 weeks after ordering it. Bike got towed directly to the bike shop...
  12. Scuba Craig

    Got rear-ended for Christmas

    Actually ..... No. Was driving a ute. Had his dog in the passenger seat. He said his dog started drinking out of his cup. He looked down to get the cup away from the dog and when he looked up the traffic was stopped in front of him. Driver was on a provisional licence ... Not that you'd know it...
  13. Scuba Craig

    Got rear-ended for Christmas

    I had TORs on the bike. I have the stock pipes in the garage but that would be a big step backwards. I'll see what the final shopping list looks like. Exhaust damage may be limited to heat shields (I didn't look that closely). I'll get all the damaged parts from the bike. When I see what I've...
  14. Scuba Craig

    Got rear-ended for Christmas

    Not a bad idea. Will keep that in mind. Unofficial estimate based on visible damage is $6-7k.
  15. Scuba Craig

    Got rear-ended for Christmas

    Well ... got rear-ended on the way back from the beach at lunchtime today. Was stopped in traffic, car behind didn't notice traffic stopped and ran straight up the back of me. Pillion was launched over the top of me and landed on his feet. Bike went over on the right side. Bike was towed to...
  16. Scuba Craig

    dropped roadster

    I must be statistic waiting to be counted. I haven't dropped the bike yet, but have had a few close calls, much along the lines of others'. It only happens when I'm dressed as a beach bum, not when I'm acting as a grown-up and wearing proper bike attire. Laces of my runners getting caught up...
  17. Scuba Craig

    Helmet Lock Location R3R

    Going back over the past 30 years, twice I have had the helmet strap cut in an attempt to thieve the helmet. On both these occasions the helmet was locked to the bike with a cable through the "viewport" of the full face helmet. Go figure. Doh! Since I have been using a lock that attaches to the...
  18. Scuba Craig

    Helmet Lock Location R3R

    I use one of these. Put the helmet over the sissy bar then lock through the sissy bar and helmet buckle.