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  1. R-III-R Turbo

    Turbo upgrade - "Budget" no longer applicable

    The stock pistons are indeed low comp but unfortunately not forged. So what CR are your new pistons? I'm running custom Carillo ones around 8.2 iirc and have another set lower around 8.0
  2. R-III-R Turbo

    2nd gear dog mod

    Triumph replaced the 2nd gear dog ring (6 dogs) to an 8 dog version (manual extract below). There are a few upgrades made to the trans, per bold text in manual below. Not sure what whoever was trying to do with that one in the photo! Did your other thread get deleted? Following on from it -...
  3. R-III-R Turbo

    Stepper replacement

    What were the TPS values as you found them, and also when you left them? And have you tried putting back old stepper motor to see if it goes back to just problem #1?
  4. R-III-R Turbo

    Detent catastrophe... Almost

    Do the lotto! Been similarly lucky/unlucky on several occasions too, know that feeling :sick:
  5. R-III-R Turbo

    Clutch stuff

    The oil filter media and the 2 strainers on the sump floor. It could be the clutch pressure plate bearing. Rare but have seen them go. You want to spin the plate on the bearing on your finger and you will hear/feel a roughness or grittiness if it's going.
  6. R-III-R Turbo

    Can a Rocket III take down the establishment, and rule this island

    Appreciate the offer! 161 doesn't sound like much for a record but one really needs to be lucky with the salt I understand. I'd need to be doing 180-185 in the quarter to match the top bikes on this island in the closed road drags.
  7. R-III-R Turbo

    Can a Rocket III take down the establishment, and rule this island

    I'd love to ship it to the states and partake in some racing in "Mexico" too 😁
  8. R-III-R Turbo

    Can a Rocket III take down the establishment, and rule this island

    And the trans is back from Robinson Industries, full shebang. Billet 4th, undercut everything and circlip/groove upgrade. Probably gonna be a month or 2 before I get s chance to fit it though :-(
  9. R-III-R Turbo

    Stepper replacement

    Have you followed the Triumph manual step by step for stepper motor install and adjustments to its nut and TPS positioning?
  10. R-III-R Turbo

    Stepper replacement

    So the original problem was a rough idle, and after replacing the stepper motor now it won't start at all? Will need to start with basics and run through the lot, would this video help at all
  11. R-III-R Turbo

    Clutch stuff

    Can't think of a good thread off hand, but from memory the bearing on the torsional damper was installed backwards from factory. So the oil couldn't get into it to lube it. If you do a search for output or torsional damper bearing you should find info. There's an update kit you can buy but it's...
  12. R-III-R Turbo

    Clutch stuff

    Might have more than one issue. The 2nd being the clutch dragging a bit. Is the clutch cable adjusted to 2-3mm free play, as per manual? This is very important. E.g. 4mm will not do. if you check this and find it needed adjustment, best go for a spin after and see what impact it had. Also...
  13. R-III-R Turbo

    Clutch stuff

    Does the noise go when you pull in the clutch lever while decelerating?
  14. R-III-R Turbo

    Stepper replacement

    Why did you replace the stepper?
  15. R-III-R Turbo

    Stator bolt rotation when removing

    Yeah "normal" bolt right hand thread. Open counter clockwise. But you need to stop the crank from turning with something quite strong, multiple ways to do it but the easiest and best is the stator brace. Triumph sell one but you can easily make one yourself. The puller bolt you use for removing...
  16. R-III-R Turbo

    Stator bolt rotation when removing

    It's an M12 right hand thread but will need to measure one at home to know thread pitch. What's happening when you go to remove it?
  17. R-III-R Turbo

    Stator bolt rotation when removing

    Sorry, what's the problem?
  18. R-III-R Turbo

    Operation overhaul starts, first on the menu, TPS settings at closed throttle.

    You should have 0% when throttle fully closed First check you have free play on throttle cables as per the manual. If still not zero then a TPS / ISCV reset is needed. If that doesn't sort it then may be time for a new primary TPS. You may only get 0 to 92 or 93% throttle using the grip. But...
  19. R-III-R Turbo

    Can a Rocket III take down the establishment, and rule this island

    So the trans is on it's way to Bill of Robinson Industries Inc. in New York. Meanwhile, some repair work on the Hayabusa head and lapping valves
  20. R-III-R Turbo

    PC on a 2004 R3?

    PC maps can be adjusted while the bike is running, immediate effect. ECU has to have engine off and takes ages in comparison to load map. PC can be used by any dyno in the world pretty much, whereas very few will work directly with the ECU in my estimation.