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  1. vsteel

    Quick shifter installation

    I had the dealer turn mine on. It will depend on if the actuator is in compression or extension to shift up in the gears, it's different between a GT and R model.
  2. vsteel

    Do I need to install the Quick-Shifter on my R3GT?

    The quick shifter on the S1000XR shifts like a tractor compared to the Triumph quick shifter. I owned a S1000XR so this wasn't just a test ride. I love the quick shifter on the R3 and if I had it to do all over again I would. It is a blast and that is all that matters. People said...
  3. vsteel

    Dyno numbers - 2.5inch Headers vs Stock headers

    Yes, that would work or ideally on the same dyno on the same day or close to the same time, so you can get a lot more data and have the results with fewer variables.
  4. vsteel


    I have the MX+ and I have used it several times on the bike. Works great and works on other vehicles like a champ as well.
  5. vsteel

    Rocket 3 2.5

    I have it working again, I just had to take it back to the dealer to plug it in and reactivate my quick shifter and then go through all of the settings and put it back to where I wanted. I have not had an issues since but I have not disconnected it either.
  6. vsteel

    Dyno numbers - 2.5inch Headers vs Stock headers

    I would say the data doesn't mean much because there were too many variables. To have real meaning you need to have a run, make the changes and then make the run again in a much shorter period of time.
  7. vsteel

    Rocket 3 2.5

    Then something went on with mine because when the battery was disconnected it wiped it out.
  8. vsteel


    Could use the old drag racing trick of running a long pipe and then cutting it off 6 inches past where it turns color/burns the paint off.
  9. vsteel


    Here is what I got in my mailbox today: No photos yet but when I get them I will post them here. (above is a direct quote and all grammar and spelling belongs to Paul)
  10. vsteel

    RPM limit not increasing.

    Rocket won't wind out in top gear, 152mph on the salt was around 6000 RPM. If you can do the 7400 in top gear it would be 188mph. I agree with @Kevin frazier on you are going to need at least a mile to get up to that speed.
  11. vsteel


    Just pinged him so I will let everyone know when I hear back. That way he doesn't have to reply to 20 emails.
  12. vsteel

    Rocket 3 2.5

    The GEN 2 Rockets you have to activate the software with the dealer tool. You also have to specify how the quick shifter is going to work. For example is the up shift going to be a push or a pull. It is different between the GT and R models. You can't just plug them in and have them work...
  13. vsteel

    Where oh where are all the Rockets?

    Few of them running around Idaho in the US.
  14. vsteel

    Is it OK to remove the front fender on Rocket 3 Storm GT?

    If you ride in the rain or go through water it will kick water/muck up on you. It will fly in the air and then you will drive into it. That is really the only downside.
  15. vsteel

    New Brake Recall!

    Post recall for the rear brake and mine is working like a champ. Over a year later and it still is holding strong and working like it should. Mine is fixed with the recall. I am guessing it is something to do with the tech's procedure he is following or he received defective parts.
  16. vsteel

    Rev limit 6500

    The 6500 is the "soft" rev limit and the bike starts to close the throttle bodies and isn't letting you hit the hard 7K limit. Mine did that as well until the restrictions were removed. It lets the power fall off gradually at the upper end install of hitting the wall like some bikes do when...
  17. vsteel

    Bit off help/ advise triumph rocket 3 gt

    The clutch will calm down over time, Just something they do. I find when it is cold it is worse until you get a few miles on it and then things smooth out. I have just over 13K on mine and it hardly does it anymore.
  18. vsteel

    Triumph rocket 3 2.5 gt

    I have it on mine and really like it.
  19. vsteel

    Free unrestricted maps for Rocket R GT and TFC now online

    This is what you do. dougl is right on with what he is saying. Download the Penner map. Click on the speed limit button and it will ask you for a payment. You follow the directions and pay the money. The button is now active and you can unlock the speed limiter. Load it on the bike...
  20. vsteel

    Record run for Rocket 3 at Bonneville Speed Week 2024

    That entire event was a great time. I totally understand now why people say it is so much harder to get a high speed on the salt than on asphalt. The one thing that the pictures and cameras don't pick up on is how blinding the sun is out there. You have to have your sunglasses on all of the...