Penner's Lower Gear Map Info Wanted


.040 Over
Sep 15, 2024
Loveland Colorado USA
2022 Rocket 3 GT
Apologize for revisiting this subject, but not able to find the information I'm looking for by "Searching" the site.
I've seen enough bits and pieces of information to be intrigued. I've been to his website, but unable to decipher
how I order or specify the map I'm looking for (US 2022 Rocket GT - 24K miles).
I would like the better throttle response in the lower gears version. I don't care about going over 120mph. The only upgrades to
the bike will be DNA air filter and Iridium Plugs. Everything else will remain, as it comes out of the factory.
This is what I'm looking for:
1) What is the correct Penner link for US models. How do I order?
2) What is the correct map for my bike. Version number, Map number?
3) What do I need to load. I have pieced together TuneECU, bluetooth dongle, and map file. I'll download
the TuneECU app on my android phone, purchase the dongle and applicable Map. Am I missing anything?
4) Is the download using TuneECU seamless? I -->DON'T <--- want to be chasing engine codes after flashing.
5) Cost?
Thanks in advance....... Larry
You'll need to buy a license for TuneECU (I think you can purchase through the app, but definitely on their website), but you don't need to buy the map. Penner posts them for free. As @gadget_ho says, just download the full power tune from the link he posted (scroll all the way to the bottom for the Rockets). Check your VIN against the range listed in the row for US GT Rockets, but I believe you'll want the file named "US_Rocket3_GT_Full_Power_31013Map .hex".

Make sure you get the right dongle. You want the OBDLink LX or MX. You can order from Amazon. Make sure to update the firmware after you connect it to your phone.

The main gotcha is making sure your battery voltage stays solid through the download (it takes over 10 minutes). You'll want to pull your headlight fuse to reduce some of the battery drain in that time. I leave my battery tender plugged in also just to ensure the battery doesn't droop too much.

It's not terribly complicated, just can seem a little daunting until you do it for the first time.
Thanks guys...... the last remaining question is if I'll have to chase down engine fault codes after flashing

So....I went to the website looking for the appropriate map. Last 6 digits of my VIN are --> AF5501 Triple Black
Went to the bottom of the list and found, what I think, is the one I want:

NEW Rocket 3 GT & GT Triple Black / from VIN # 961597 to and including VIN # AV5456 / 2500 cc engines only / Keihin ECU
Only support by TuneECU for Android (Bluetooth only).
These models can only be re-mapped using the Bluetooth adapters recommended by the developer.

Rocket 3 GT, from VIN 961597, Base map 31013, Standard exhaust
USA and Canada markets only.
Fuel up to E25. Minimum 91 RON (87 RON/MON) fuel.
ETV1: values slightly increased.
ETV 2 & 3: set at 100
F-tables, L-tables and A/F modified.
The Map has been optimized by Ulf Penner, Germany

Don't know what the base map is and ETV values mean.

This is starting to get a little scary......
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Thanks guys...... the last remaining question is if I'll have to chase down engine fault codes after flashing
You absolutely can throw codes if something goes wrong, or if like me you do something dumb like reset the adaptions. Nothing is unrecoverable though. Like @EskimoPie said, if you prep every thing first (software versions for everything, battery tender connected, headlight fuse pulled, DRL switch set to headlight etc) it’s likely to go great.

I’d also suggest not using the cheapest, crappiest old Android device you can find if you’re an iPhone user, as you want it to go smooth and not hiccup halfway through.

You can watch the video I made of the process here Custom Tune, which shows me foolishly resetting the adaptions (even the TuneECU instructions say that shouldn’t be needed) and ending up with crank position sensor and cruise control codes. All fixed by myself though. Even if you fail halfway through and bork the ECU such that the bike won’t start (can happen) you can still use TuneECU in recovery mode to fix it.
Ok..... I've ordered the OBDLink LX for android, have downloaded the appropriate map for my 2022 GT and looking into getting the license
for TuneECU. Their license is only good for one year.
During the searching on TuneECU costume maps site, I saw the note letting me know that every bike is different and the downloaded
map is a starting point. The bike should be taken to a tuner to "dial" it in. Good advice. I'll be looking for a good tuner in Colorado.
BTW, I purchased the OBDLink LX on their site (OBDLink LX) with a 10% off coupon for a total of $80. Surprised by the high price, but will
use on all my cars. I don't have a good scanner.
I'll let you know how it goes.....
As soon as you have connected your Rocket to Tune-ECU it will indicate the number of your tune/base map.
For example 31013. Whatever number shows up, look for the corresponding number in the tuning map files and use that one.
Thanks Mr. Penner......Appreciate your good work for the benefit of the community. Tip of the hat to ya.....

I have decided 31013 is the correct map for my bike. Couple questions
1) Has this map been updated over time? If so, is there a version number I can see?
2) I'm not familiar with your world. When finding a good tuner in my area (US Colorado)
is there a question I should ask to make sure this is the guy to trust my bike to? Should
I find somebody who only works on bikes? Or, is there a car tuner that could do it just as well.
3) My bike is 4k miles beyond the 20K service that calls for valve adjustment. Mine has NOT been done
since new. Am I wasting my time and money until the adjustment is done? I would think proper valve adjustment
would impact the results.

Thanks again,
Thank you.
There is just one map. It will work fine and there is no need to go to a dyno shop. Also valve adjustment does not matter.
Just apply it to your ECU.
Make sure you got a battery charger hooked to your bike that keeps voltage above 12,5V while loading and DON´T do any "Reset adaptions" or other fancy stuff.
My last advice would be to do that in spring after you had a ride with the stock map.
The difference will be more impressive.