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I've pulled this from an earlier post that was going off topic - but was starting to get interesting.
Originally Posted by Viewmasters -
My dad had an S7, the sunbeam factory was only 2 miles from where Iive, even though the later bikes were made in Redditch most of the parts came from the Wolverhampton factory, sad that it is all gone now, along with Norton Villiers Triumph
Originally Posted by Viewmasters -
My dad had an S7, the sunbeam factory was only 2 miles from where Iive, even though the later bikes were made in Redditch most of the parts came from the Wolverhampton factory, sad that it is all gone now, along with Norton Villiers Triumph
Nearest I have been to Wolverhampton is the Black Country Museum. They have a motorcycle shop there now, filled with Sunbeams?
Read it somewhere, but not been back to see, they were building a motorcycle shop last time I was there.
Have you been there recently?
Is Sunbeamland in Wolverhampton? Does part of the building still stand?
Lionel i am ashamed to say I have never been to the Black Country Museum, i will now i know they have some Sunbeams inPart of the old factory still stands on the 449 Penn Road junction with the ring road, looks a bit sad and boarded up now.Someone has superimposed that Sunbeamland sign on to show how it once looked.
Sorry to you other guys if we strayed off topic but i am quite passionate and proud of old British motorcycles, don't get me started on Brough Superiors and Vincent's, blame my dear departed dad for owning them.