Recent content by yearocket

  1. yearocket

    G'day from Victoria Australia

    G'day from yea
  2. yearocket

    Ozclaw on the way, what do I do with the coolant tank

    my ozclaw fits with the standed expantion tank in place
  3. yearocket

    Motorcycle Lift in VICTORIA

    me three yea
  4. yearocket

    Well Sh!t...

    yes the ramair fits umder the ozclaw I have that set up om mine
  5. yearocket

    buying pre-2010 Rockets

    06 classic 40,000 kms ramair, jardine headders and pipes, pcv and no problems apart from not enough time to go riding:D
  6. yearocket

    2007 Rocket Classic questions from a newb

    Check with triumph with the vin # they can tell you if any recalls are outstanding ie the trans update i have a 06 silver motor with 38000kms and no problems with it
  7. yearocket

    Greetings from new member

    G'day from country vic
  8. yearocket

    For Sale Leather panniers and frames on Gumtree going cheap

    Thanks for the heads up ;)
  9. yearocket

    For Sale Leather panniers and frames on Gumtree going cheap

    It was meeeee:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
  10. yearocket

    hi everyone ,daryn from perth .

    G'day from country vic you have almost discribed my 06 many of the same mods
  11. yearocket

    Clare Valley Cruise - any others?

    would be good but going to rockets at the dish in aug and tassie in dec so dont think i can fit any more long bike runs this year :( only day rides
  12. yearocket

    For Sale R3 Spare Parts clean out ALL SOLD

    thats fine with me could you post it to me in vic and details for payment including postage please
  13. yearocket

    Wiring confusion

    there is also aux lighting sockets under there