warp9.9's latest activity

  • warp9.9
    warp9.9 reacted to R-III-R Turbo's post in the thread Clutch stuff with Like Like.
    Can't think of a good thread off hand, but from memory the bearing on the torsional damper was installed backwards from factory. So the...
  • warp9.9
    warp9.9 reacted to TURBO200R4's post in the thread Clutch stuff with Like Like.
    b4 tearing apart the back of the motor apart check the easy stuff first. i would check out the final drive put in neutral and rotate...
  • warp9.9
    warp9.9 reacted to mexican's post in the thread Southern ride this Spring? with Haha Haha.
    By the power vested in me, nominate YOU to organize this one :p :)
  • warp9.9
    warp9.9 reacted to Kevin frazier's post in the thread Code P0638 with Like Like.
    Did you set it up using tune ecu? Theres a procedure for that, its not a replace and ride thing. You have to know what are the numbers...
  • warp9.9
    warp9.9 reacted to TURBO200R4's post in the thread Misfiring with Like Like.
    loose low tension wires on coils
  • warp9.9
    warp9.9 reacted to Kevin frazier's post in the thread Gearbox with Like Like.
    Engine must come out, and split open, it takes about 5 hours to have both shafts on bench for inspection
  • warp9.9
    warp9.9 reacted to Hooleymyster's post in the thread Gearbox strip down with Like Like.
    Yes all done and back together. It is a big job but manageable. To get it out I had a small hydraulic wheeled lift under the engine and...