Recent content by TRath

  1. TRath

    Trailer Wiring Isolator?

    I ended up using a Show Chrome isolation block. I mounted it behind the left side panel and plumbed in the 7 inputs, then ran the 8 outputs (reduced to 5 after joining all of the negatives together) across behind the battery to splice the positives into the rear subharness behind the right...
  2. TRath

    What made you choose the Rocket?

    I had a 6'3 wife and a Vulcan 900. She said she didn't like it and that I needed to get a bigger bike, and was sent out with orders to buy the Vulcan Voyager 1700. It's not often you get an opening like "You need to go get a bigger bike," so I decided to run with it and get the biggest bike. It...
  3. TRath

    Trailer Wiring Isolator?

    I'm looking to add a hitch to my 2009 Classic. I have the hitch ordered and am looking to figure out the wiring. I've been seeing that an isolator is recommended. Does anyone know if there is a recommended harness or can point me in the right direction for an isolator that I can wire in to make...
  4. TRath

    Best phone mount?

    I've switched to QuadLock for all of mine. Super happy with all their stuff.
  5. TRath

    Parasitic Drain, 2014 Rocket III Touring - Mystery: Multimeter shows zero draw with the key out

    I'm not sure if my battery was sitting tall or the under seat tool kit was sitting low (or a combination of the two), but I discovered that with me on the seat the tool kit was pressed onto the top of the battery. The screwdriver in the kit lines up with the terminals on the battery, and it was...
  6. TRath

    Rear brake rotor replacement

    Thanks for the advice! I've just got it up on a Flipmeister's paddock stand, but I've also got the rear fender off to do some work on the rear wiring sub harness so thankfully clearance shouldn't be an issue.
  7. TRath

    Rear brake rotor replacement

    I'm prepping to swap out the rear brake rotor on my '09. The service manual makes it look pretty straightforward, but I'm not a mechanic by any means, so I'm wondering if there's anything I should be watching out for that will make it more difficult than it has to be. Also, the manual says to...
  8. TRath

    Keyless ignition?

    I've had the Digital Guard Dawg setup on mine for a few years now and haven't had any issues.
  9. TRath

    Chopped fenders

    I went with one from Radiantz (10" integrated) but I'm honestly not too impressed with it. It's brilliant under any sort of shadow, but in daylight it's practically invisible. I also had some LED's fail on it after half a season, but they replaced it. If you go that route, I'd suggest insetting...
  10. TRath

    Chopped fenders

    I didn't chop the rear, but I moved the plate up onto the fender and did an LED strip for r/t/b that really cleaned up the back end.
  11. TRath


    Yup, 3 screws hold the rear mounting plate in place. Pull those and you can go to a standard/roadster solo and the pillion attached with the same 3 if you want to go 2-up.
  12. TRath

    Major Maintenance Coming Up

    Hey @sonny did you post the walkthroughs you mentioned in the first post? I'm looking to do fork seals/oil and the dealership quoted me $500 plus materials.
  13. TRath

    Hello from Canada!

    Welcome from Calgary! I suspect it will get Corona cancelled again this year, but you should check out the Kootenay Rat Raid when things get back to normal.
  14. TRath

    Keyless ignition

    I have the Digital Guard Dog setup and the only things I need the key for is the steering lock, seat release, and gas cap. I don't see why this would be any different.
  15. TRath

    First Ride

    Welcome from Calgary!