Recent content by svmaranatha

  1. svmaranatha

    For Sale Roadster parts for sale - down Under

    How much are you asking for the transparent screen and chrome mounts? Are you willing to ship to Seattle, WA? If price and shipping work for me, how would you like to handle funds? We can go to PM if you like. Thanks, Michael
  2. svmaranatha

    Want to Buy ISO heel and toe shifter

    Hi TriumPhil, I just wanted to let you know that 1olbull has provided me with the parts that I need. I just wanted you to know so that you didn't spend a lot of time looking for anything. Thanks, Michael
  3. svmaranatha

    Want to Buy ISO heel and toe shifter

    Does anyone still have a heel-toe shifter that they want to sell. Because of an unfortunate event, my stock shifter was bent to the point where I need to replace it. The floorboard on the left side is a little scratched up on the underside, but the shift lever is toast. I would really like to...
  4. svmaranatha

    Batch of Custom Handlebars

    I am interested in a set. Were these ever produced? Can anyone tell me why using stainless steel for the base material would be a bad idea? I know that wouldn't offer the weight savings that has been a goal here, but it seems like it is getting more difficult to get a polished metal look. I...
  5. svmaranatha

    Desperate for diagnosis!!

    The real surprise! It was a real surprise to me to find out what needed to be done to fix this problem on my 2007. I have had throttle/idle speed problems since the day I got the bike. It only had 500 miles on it then. My son and I have tinkered, read and done everything that has been...
  6. svmaranatha

    Starting problems when its cold...

    How things are going so far... It has been a while and many of you have provided some really helpful information. I did pop out the crank position sensor as suggested and that seemed to help for a bit. I learned two things, that there were a few metal filings which I removed and that the...
  7. svmaranatha

    Starting problems when its cold...

    I might be an idiot, but I have been having problems getting my Rocket to crank when it is cold. So far I have invested in 3 batteries and an Odyssey 6amp charger but I am just getting frustrated. This morning the temp was about 50 degrees F (is that about 11 C?) and wuh, wuh, wuh. It makes...
  8. svmaranatha

    Hello everyone

    Hi, My name is Mike Staley and I just took delivery on an '07 R3, black with windscreen, floorboards, seat backrest, LeatherLyke bags and exhaust flange covers. The bike came to me with 600 miles on it last Friday when it rolled off the truck and I am almost up to 1000 already. I love this bike...