Recent content by SacR3mento

  1. For Sale Heads up re great partout of a non damaged '05 R3

    Dang, does it really cost 4k to fix that 5th gear?
  2. New R3 owner from Sactown

    I'd get to Nevada more often myself if it weren't for Lake Tahoe getting in the way.
  3. New R3 owner from Sactown

    I guess it's not a classic then? It has floorboards so I guess they were added later. I pulled the windshield to polish it up as it was looking a little scummy.
  4. New R3 owner from Sactown

    Seen quite a few people pitch in on that bridgestone. How does that Dunlop Elite3 run? I've got an avon up front that I need to replace and the shop owner has been less than impressed when I was pricing out tires.
  5. New R3 owner from Sactown

    But I'm with you in spirit man!
  6. New R3 owner from Sactown

    Nice, I see a lot of commuters who do the opposite (Live in Sacramento, commute to the bay area).
  7. New R3 owner from Sactown

    New R3 owner here. It's a 2005 classic (with bags). Just picked it up last week and have been going through and replacing all the fluids. I have replacement headlight LEDs on order and I'm still deciding which tires I'll be going with (both front and back, front is pretty bald, back not so...