Recent content by jkm789

  1. radiator trim

    Hello: When I bought my Rocket 3 Touring it came with the plastic chrome trim on both sides and the top of the radiator. I noticed the trim on the top was a bit loose. Is there a way to tighten it or should I glue it? Thanks for any info, jkm789
  2. passenger floorboards relocation

    Howdy - I wanted to do same thing but ended up moving wife back about 2 inches and up about one inch by having new sissy bar made and passenger seat ( long haul) thickened by about 1.5 inches. Sissy bar made of stainless and buffed - looks as good as chrome. See my post from Nov 27/13 "lowering...
  3. competition for Rocket 3??

    Guys - check out A new 2014 1832cc flat 6 Honda Valkyrie. No mention of hp or torque. It will be interesting to see how well it is received. Do ya think this puppy will give our Rockets a run for its money? And by the way, Merry Christmas from Nova Scotia, Canada and all the best for 2014.
  4. Trunk?

    Howdy: I bought one of those a while back from the same company. When it arrived the locking hasp was very loose and rattled as well as the lid did not close smoothly - it wanted to bind on the sides. I installed the padded backrest but it was uncomfortable for my wife - the upper edge dug into...
  5. lowering passenger floorboards - update

    Howdy: About a year ago I asked if anyone had ideas on lowering the passenger floorboards on the touring model. (wife is all legs!) Peg lowering kits would not fit Tourer. Also wife found long haul passenger seat and Triumph backrest both very uncomfortable. Jeez, keep bike or wife..? Took seat...
  6. 2010 R3Touring. From Nova Scotia, Canada.

    2010 R3Touring. From Nova Scotia, Canada.
  7. R3T vibration

    Hi - Thanks to everyone for your suggestions. The bike is a 2010 with about 11k miles. I have located a retired Triumph mechanic who says he is familiar with some of the vibration problems that myself and others are having. He will help me to download and install TuneECU. I will also follow up...
  8. R3T vibration

    Hello - I recently bought my first R3T - awesome bike. I have noticed a fair bit of vibration when I accelerate either quickly or slowly (how do you accelerate slowly on a Rocket?) I know this has been discussed before but it was unclear to me if this is a constant vibration or only happens at...
  9. lowering passenger boards

    Howdy: Looking to buy my first Rocket 3 Touring. Took one for a ride and am hooked. However, my wife found the passenger seating a tad cramped (long legs). Checked on line but could not find any floorboard lowering kit for Touring model. Any suggestions - other than a new bike and shorter wife...