That's true, they don't go for what they are worth - even with a 6,900.00 engine package!
The bike is awesome, but the truth is, I don't really get to ride it much these days, so I am open to reducing the price if you are interested in it. What are you wanting to offer?
Thank you,
Hey Steve!
Thank you for your perspective; it is a very reasonable point of view.
I think he believes what he is saying too. After all, he made a long drive and decided not to take the bike, so he had to believe it. Which is why I took the bike to one of the best known mechanics in the area...
I will agree with you on one thing - I will not argue back and forth with you after this as well.
I don't know how to be anymore transparent than this - interested folks come test it, feel free to ask questions, ask for pics, vids, whatever. Like I said, I got a shop to check out the bike and...
Man, that is a wholeheartedly unfair statement. I understand being upset at making a long drive and deciding that the bike is not for you, but what you said is wholly inaccurate. I just took the bike to the shop and asked them to look over it completely to make sure everything was good for me...
Thanks man! Absolutely right, the bike will scream and insurance is pretty cheap. I guess insurance companies aren't savvy to the mysteries of a Carpenter Racing engine! :)
I hope to find a good home for Smaug (named after the dragon from the Hobbit for any Tolkien fans out there!).
Hi All!
I am reviving this thread as I am putting the Rocket up for sale this year. All of the information below still holds and I just don't have the ability to ride the beast at this time, so I am letting it go to a good home. The bike has just been to the shop and had a fresh oil change...