Recent content by BrendanR3R

  1. BrendanR3R

    ramair cracked

    Dobro, I haven't been on a dyno so I couldn't really say. I think both would be similar dependant on tune. I have staintune cans and crossover and the air filter and after playing with a few tunes I am currently using one from here (thanks Claviger). What I can say is the bike feels a lot more...
  2. BrendanR3R

    ramair cracked

    Just noticed this thread and wanted to add that I'm also the not so proud owner of a failed ramair filter. I thought I had it on ok only to find after about a week it had lifted at the front. Put it back in the right spot and nipped the clamps up a little tighter only to find the next day the...
  3. BrendanR3R

    New Rocket in Melbourne Aus

    Thanks all for the welcome. Dave, I'm in the Macedon Ranges.
  4. BrendanR3R

    New Rocket in Melbourne Aus

    Hello all, Had my new Roadster for a few weeks now (black with red stripes) and loving it. Done about 500km so far and starting to open it up and see her true potential. Very smooth low end power delivery compared to my Yamaha FZ1N and enjoying the stability that the extra weight gives, although...