Triple Trouble
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  • Hey Paul. If you and the lady need a place to crash, you are welcome here. But, we are only 3 hours from the ride. If you trailer it, you also can leave the trailer here. Just saying brother. And, hope all is well...Cya
    Paul your fav scotsman here, wonder if I can pick your brain my 2001 Triumph Adventurer pisses gas if the petcock is left on so I am doing an overhaul I see a kit on ebay it looks like what I need but it says from vin # 62507 on and my last five are 16015 will this work?
    Triumph Adventurer KEIHIN Carburettor Super Rebuild Kit (Qty 3) l
    Triple Trouble
    Triple Trouble
    Hi Dave,
    I had the same problem on my 1994 Sprint which had the same basic motor. I took the petcock apart and found that the vacuum orifice is tiny, barely get the tip of a needle through it and it was blocked with dirt. This caused the thing to stay open and leaked gas. No idea if it is the same problem but I would have a look inside first. Easy job.
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