Paul Bryant
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  • Haven't been on here in a while (life). Planning on getting rid of all chrome and blacking it out. I want to go with heat reactive paint on the exhaust and maybe the occasional flame shooting. looking for intake and exhaust advice. I love the look of the Zard exhaust system.

    Anyone have any suggestions for intake and 3-1 exhaust systems?

    email and facebook msg sent. I want to purchase a 3 into 1 system for my 2014 R3R
    dont forget about my system paul but i will wait for the best !,,,,, there is a lot of cry babies out there ,, there is only so much one man can do in a day
    pete NZ
    pete NZ
    i did the same thing banga well worth the wait yeha
    Hi Paul, I'm looking at a set of your headers as an upgrade,, firstly they will bolt straight onto my tors and crossover pipe ( from down south island somewhere ) and also is chrome available as my tors are chrome.I live about a half hour up the road so pick up won't be an issue .
    What sort of money would I be expecting to shell out and my roadster is a 2017 not that that is an issue

    Paul Wainwright
    Hey Paul...Tal...I saw my old Rocket yesterday, he has put a reband header/exhaust on it and already in a few days the front pipe is going yellow with heat. Will your headers get discoloured like that or no?....cheers Tal
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