Torque addict
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  • Hi Torque addict,
    Can you inform me if your bike still has the stock mapsensor or did you install another one. I do ask so because I think the stock one doesn't understand boostpressure or lack of vacuum. I also installed the PcV. Tnx for your response.
    Torque addict
    Torque addict
    It's got the stock one but it's not used for adding fuel for boost. That is done separately with another MAP sensor that is wired into a PCV. Since you've also installed a PCV you will want to add a separate MAP sensor like I've done if you're going to add boost. Just leave the stock MAP sensor alone.
    Rats cannot post over 420 letters so here's my email if its OK and I'll send my questions.
    Hi Torque

    Thought I'd PM you from here on in if that OK? Sorry lost your details before.

    Thanks for your input last week and hope you don't mind providing some assistance here.
    Hi Torque Addict, hope your OK with me messaging you. I'm looking at doing this (adding a turbo) as a project over winter and had some questions, would you be OK if I asked you some questions re what you've done?
    My first question was did you fit larger fuel injectors? My instinct tells me I'll need to and I've sourced some Bosch units locally.
    No problem if your too busy or anything.

    Andrew (Sleeves)
    Torque addict
    Torque addict
    No problem. I just haven't checked in here in awhile. I'm running stock injectors which are doing fine. I've been told larger ones are not needed if under 250 HP. I'm only around 210 HP.
    Gday Thanks for that I'm looking for around the 210 HP mark as well with a pretty low boost so I wont need and inter-cooler. Will be in contact
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