Recent content by 221NM

  1. Lamonster plate holder Custom Dynamics plate frame w/integrated turn signals Wunderkind LED...

    Lamonster plate holder Custom Dynamics plate frame w/integrated turn signals Wunderkind LED front turn signals Wunderkind black adjustable control levers Competition Werks pipes DNA Filter
  2. Air Filter Change

    OK! Job, done, about 3 hours for me. First off, great video, I had to check it a few times during the project. Here’s a few pointers for anyone about to tackle this job: 1) As noted, just flip up the TFT, then remove the two tank bolts, and lift the tank, preferably as high as you can get...
  3. Tried to clean up the tail... Better or worse? how did you do it? I have a Custom Dynamics curved LED plate holder similar to yours, wired for plate light and turn signals, so all good there. I also bought the mounting plate, but that's gonna be a non - starter...too heavy, too much modification, and it will stick out too far. So...
  4. Tried to clean up the tail... Better or worse?

    I like it! I just bought the Thornton Hundred curved side mount + Wunderkind LED signals (spent ridiculous cash on both of those!!!) but as I've removed the stock mount, not sure....kinda liking what you have done better...much cleaner than stock but maybe better than what I had planned. Maybe...