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  • Sir. Could you advice the software and interface for errors checking?
    Not sure what you are asking, but if it's software you need or want to check for spelling, punctuation and syntax, the best person to ask this question of is the owner of this site, Shawn. He is an extreme computer geek - I am not. You can contact him by his screen name here , which is "webmaster". Sorry I couldn't be more helpful, but Shawn should be able to hook you up quite easily.

    Best regards

    TriumPhil. I,ll be up that way week of 8/16 would like try and get together for maybe a ride?Also if you could turn me on to someone that could put a tune in my bike that would be a bonus!,but not a necessity.If you want you can call at 352 873 6081 (Fred)Fingers
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