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  • But I think this is going to be a big one for us. The US is a strange country, I have always struggled to sell in quantity as the American is pretty loyal and likes to buy from a US base. Do you want to be that Base? It's early days but I want to plan early.
    Shame as i'm really enjoying this build. The finished product will look awesome and super compact and simple. Would you be interested in being my distributor for the US? It would mean commitment to sell X units a year and stock kits and spares.
    Hi Art.
    I'm progressing well with this supercharger for the new rocket. I have the engine management sorted and injectors. Just have to wait till they arrive. but i'm on vacation from Friday for a couple of weeks so won't get back into it until mid March.
    LIKE I said sick now and cant think
    Hello Art I was wondering if you could do me a favour, I sent Carpenter a check a few weeks back for a sidewinder exhaust , I know they are a busy bunch and are a wee bit hard to get a hold of, if possible could you check on it for me I would appreciate it(I also left them a message)
    Thanks Dave McAulay (scot in exile)
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