love this location

love this location

Where is this? I won’t be able to ride there directly without a really long ferry ride, but maybe visit someday.
Where is this? I won’t be able to ride there directly without a really long ferry ride, but maybe visit someday.
North Queensferry looking onto Forth Rail bridge in Scotland. a few miles from Edinburgh
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North Queensferry looking onto Forth Rail bridge in Scotland. a few miles from Edinburgh
Looks like a beautiful area and great engineering to see as well. I’ve been close several years ago and look forward to visiting again in the future. Will have to put this place on the list. Possibly rent a bike to explore the sites as well.
Looks like a beautiful area and great engineering to see as well. I’ve been close several years ago and look forward to visiting again in the future. Will have to put this place on the list. Possibly rent a bike to explore the sites as well.
I run tours from Edinburgh so gimme a shout if you plan on being back for routes etc :)
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Great Pictures... Got my 3GT a few weeks ago...I'm on the other side of the bridge!
How do you get on with your screen? ... is it effective at keeping the wind off? power bronze?
Cheers, Malkie
I have bought an even bigger one now on eBay as I tour a lot so want a bit more protection, just back from the Alps with it. Makes a big difference
I rode the Alps a few years ago and loved it!... So, what as the brand of the bigger screen you bought on eBay?
I bought the powerbronze screen which come is three parts. the initial cover base screen then a medium size to fit onto the adjustable bracket and an optional larger screen as an alternative to the medium... must confess I did not care for the looks and din't try it out on the road thinking I would return it unused. which I did... now maybe regretting that decision as the wind blast on some recent rides is really uncomfortable!.... yes I know its a naked bike..!
I rode the Alps a few years ago and loved it!... So, what as the brand of the bigger screen you bought on eBay?
I bought the powerbronze screen which come is three parts. the initial cover base screen then a medium size to fit onto the adjustable bracket and an optional larger screen as an alternative to the medium... must confess I did not care for the looks and din't try it out on the road thinking I would return it unused. which I did... now maybe regretting that decision as the wind blast on some recent rides is really uncomfortable!.... yes I know its a naked bike..!
Thanks for your helpful comments… as I am 6’2” I should be able to see over the top edge of the screen at 56cm long ? ….. just hoping it doesn’t spoil the open view the naked style provides?
A stylistic compromise I suspect?
I’ll look out for you next time I’m down Queensferry way!
Thanks for your helpful comments… as I am 6’2” it look like I should be able to see over the top edge of the screen at 56cm long ? ….. just hoping it doesn’t spoil the open view the naked style provides?
A stylistic compromise I suspect?
I’ll look out for you next time I’m down Queensferry way!

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samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra
Focal length
2.2 mm
Exposure time
1/60 second(s)
File size
2.6 MB
Date taken
Wed, 16 August 2023 8:46 PM
4000px x 1868px

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